Monday, July 24, 2006

First day at school

Remember your first day at the beginning of school time when you were a Primary student? Remember the new class you entered every year when you were upgraded year after year? New clothes, new friends, new teachers or even new school for some of us.

I found it was always an exciting time when I had to come the first day in the new class every year. I remember when i was given a new school bag with a pair of new shoes as well. How well i prepared my pencil case with eraser, pencils, sharperner and pens inside. If possible, I chose the ones with a cute character such as Hello Kitty as well as my handkerchief. Then the new year of schooling time began...

Now, I face similar situation when i had to take Fia and Yosua on their first school day. Fia was soo excited .. she can't stop telling me so many stories until late that Sunday night. At the very next day, she awoke at 4.30am. She only had few hours of sleeping!!!! Surprisingly, she did it by never happened before during her Preschool time!

We arrived safely at the school after had a very bad traffic. Hmm...should leave home earlier. The bell rang ... a teacher came to lead the children entered their new class. Since it was still in orientation time, the school finished at 9 am.

We arrived at the third day of those orientation days. All the Grade 1 students were given a party hat and a baloon. They were so excited...Some students accidently lose the baloon because they are not holding it properly. But they got the replacement anyway..very well prepared, teachers!

Now, all the students and parent gathered in the school field. A leader teacher was saying that the baloon will be released together when the sirene sounded. It means that they have to release their 'preschool habits'! Less play time, less tv time and more study instead. Then the sirene sounding....the children unhold their baloon string cheerfully and all the baloons went up, flying to the sky -- creating letters C, Fia said. Very nice and touch moment to me personally. It suddenly rang me that Fia has started her new time of schooling, that I believe it will require more attention, more supports, more understanding, and more learning.

Although Yosua also started his Pre school time, I believe he needs above mentioned as well. I'm pretty sure that each child has their own uniqness in their learning process.

I must be prepared as well as I prepared Fia and Yosua for their new time of formal education. As previous experiences, the time will fly very fast, I belive. And I don't want to loose every single opportunity with my children whenever they need me.

Please give me your strength, God! And give me your wisdom to be with them in their learning path and understand the ways what to do in it.

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